Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Its On Like Donkey Kong!

Ok, Ive been documenting what we have discussed in our meetings, I have it all written out I just need to type it up, im going to type up a description of each level, with lists of any ideas of what we have come up with so far, ill print these lists out for our next meeting so we can discuss what ones we like and what we don't, so we can have an idea of what we wana keep and what to scrap.

Generally just doing some house keeping, trying to get some kind of system to keep us organised, but don't make any plans for Wednesday (10th), I want us to have another meeting, because it seems Wednesday is the only day where everyone can turn up. Ill try and book a room in the library or above white space so we can have a room and a big white board to play with ^_^

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