Saturday, May 15, 2010


Well i think i speak for everyone in saying that was a bit of a roller-coaster ^^
Good job everyone and i'll see you about :D
This blog is beautiful and it's sad it has ended T_T

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Random extra

I know we're pretty much done and noone will probably see this but I was looking at my sketchbook thinking of all the mad ideas we've had and I have to say I've really enjoyed making this game with you peeps. Anyway I was wondering what the weird maypole game would of been like and could picture Ikki swinging about. Then the thought of Rachels bear joining in made me laugh (though would be quite scary for poor Ikki lol).

Was feeling in the mood to draw so here's my vision/screenshot of the level:

Play that funky music tribe boy!

Uploaded some music to the music folder on google docs.
Was thinking maybe Infoscape or Tribal Slam for the shooting game, Thrilla and/or Crest of the Gods for the warshout game and Gibson Road or Under are just extra slightly chilled tracks that could be used in other places we need music like menus or whatever.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Comic strip explaining why you need to make your peace with the God of War :D This took me half an arrr lol ^_^

Monday, May 10, 2010

lunch break fun

I'm sorry, this had to be done.

What does an animator do whilst having a break from animating?

This (turn yer sound on first)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Warshout guy

OK first of I have to apologise for missing the last meeting, totally slipped my mind. Second I have to apologise for not having quite finished the warshouty guy yet since me other module stuff took longer than I thought. Should be able to finish the actual shouty bit tomorrow but in the mean time here's the breathing in bit (not quite as smooth as I'd like but more or less there):

breathe in...

Oh and still need to sort a "crutching his crotch" type animation to match up with Rachels kung fu mischief guy.