Monday, April 26, 2010

Trying to save the game

Edit2:The new version is now easier so all you people with girly hands can complete it. I'm clearly some sort of freak of nature when it comes to pressing 'a'.

Edit:Updated version at the bottom.

Hey guys, seeing as we are all pretty pissed off at Nathan's disappearance, I thought I'd do something to help out. Please read the whole post before clicking the link.

I've done a tiny bit of C++ before, but I'm not very good at all, and I've never used AS 3.0, which is what I'm sure Nathan has the 1st game coded in. So this simple exercise took about 4-5 hours of looking through tutorials and crying. But I have the basis of a game developing.

This would be for our 3rd game, the war cry game where you have to press a button/s rapidly in order to get the the God to come outta the sky and kick some ass, so what I have is a timer that runs down to zero. (Even though it counts down from 60, it only takes 20 seconds, I'm very lazy and couldn't be bothered changing it to 20.)

I also have it so that if you press "a" on the keyboard the bar at the bottom fills up, at the moment I have it on a relatively easy setting so that you guys can test it and see that it works. The idea behind it is pretty simple, fill the bar up before the time runs out. The screen will then switch to a Win/Lose depending on the outcome. If you want to try it again, just hit refresh.

I know it's far from perfect, and there is still a hell of a lot to do, but I'm more than willing to work through other stuff and try and get some sort of shell of a game running, I may need help with some of my animations though, as this takes an insane amount of time because I'm constantly looking for tutorials.

Anyway, enjoy.

old version

new version


  1. If you love Greg and you know it clap your hands...
    /clap /clap

  2. Greg the new version is impossible to win O_O The bar doesn't start filling until like 10 seconds in lol

  3. Amazing, Greg you win the game! There is one tiny insy little problem though. You can cheat by holding down A and it fills up meaning an easy win.

  4. You can??! D'oh... My poor sore finger :(
    Steve, were you still interested in animating this? I've found newfound love for this and would help out - already nearly finished the trickster's animation :D
    But then again, do have to make ikki dance for the second level now. Hm
    So you and nat still okay with doing the shout?
