Saturday, April 3, 2010


Been a while since i've posted anything up here... Been trying to work between being ill and having other modules blablabla, you've heard it all i'm sure.
Finished the painting of the Harvest Goddess intended to serve as the menu image, worked into it to try and bridge the gap between the styles of Gregs' and the newly revealed of Adam's. I think this was quite successful, and therefore instead of asking Adam to rework his image, he can work on other things instead! :) Saving time etc etc, when we kind of only have a month left. Posting the backgrounded image here but Greg has not to worry because it is also saved as a png (with an invisible background) which i can give to him whenever.
Mmmh, well enjoy :) I think she's pretty.



  1. indeed, lovin the rose/flower staff ^_^

  2. I hope we don't get killed for having such a messed up mish mash of art styles. It does look cool, a lot more interesting in a pose.
