Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Well i think i speak for everyone in saying that was a bit of a roller-coaster ^^
Good job everyone and i'll see you about :D
This blog is beautiful and it's sad it has ended T_T
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Random extra
I know we're pretty much done and noone will probably see this but I was looking at my sketchbook thinking of all the mad ideas we've had and I have to say I've really enjoyed making this game with you peeps. Anyway I was wondering what the weird maypole game would of been like and could picture Ikki swinging about. Then the thought of Rachels bear joining in made me laugh (though would be quite scary for poor Ikki lol).
Was feeling in the mood to draw so here's my vision/screenshot of the level:
Was feeling in the mood to draw so here's my vision/screenshot of the level:

Play that funky music tribe boy!
Uploaded some music to the music folder on google docs.
Was thinking maybe Infoscape or Tribal Slam for the shooting game, Thrilla and/or Crest of the Gods for the warshout game and Gibson Road or Under are just extra slightly chilled tracks that could be used in other places we need music like menus or whatever.
Was thinking maybe Infoscape or Tribal Slam for the shooting game, Thrilla and/or Crest of the Gods for the warshout game and Gibson Road or Under are just extra slightly chilled tracks that could be used in other places we need music like menus or whatever.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
lunch break fun
I'm sorry, this had to be done.
What does an animator do whilst having a break from animating?
This (turn yer sound on first)
What does an animator do whilst having a break from animating?
This (turn yer sound on first)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Warshout guy
OK first of I have to apologise for missing the last meeting, totally slipped my mind. Second I have to apologise for not having quite finished the warshouty guy yet since me other module stuff took longer than I thought. Should be able to finish the actual shouty bit tomorrow but in the mean time here's the breathing in bit (not quite as smooth as I'd like but more or less there):
breathe in...
Oh and still need to sort a "crutching his crotch" type animation to match up with Rachels kung fu mischief guy.
breathe in...
Oh and still need to sort a "crutching his crotch" type animation to match up with Rachels kung fu mischief guy.
Oh Hi there, not posted here in ages.
Finished ikki's dances. Didn't take a huge amount of time over them, but we don't really have a huge amount of time left. Moving on to anything else i can help with - any suggestions? I guess i'll make a death animation for the anthill level maybe?
Anyways, you wants to look at THIS LINK HERE (It includes the two different dances, via a button)
bwuahahaha :D
Presentation is on Wednesday and we haven't all been in the same place at the same time in a long long time, i say we meet tomorrow - you guys in? We kinda need to work out what we're gonna say at the risk of sounding like utter twats, which i do not enjoy, sirs. I'll be in uni tomorrow for CD burnage and the likes, so i dare say i'll bring my laptop and sit and do some Ikkiage if you guys want to come in and meet, i shall be around.
Here's hopefully.
Have a banana -

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Hey Hey Happy Thursday
So I drew this! :D
Keep happy and keep at it guys! ^^

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Yeah I'm leaving
So I'm leaving Wednesday for the greener pastures of Ireland.
I'll keep an eye on the blog and if you really need something call or e-mail me. I won't be doing much game work this week, gonna have to finish my 3D :(
But yeah I'll be here for the presentation, so don't worry guys.

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Here's a little something for us to present during our Presentation, during the opening delivery. Can also be used for whatever you like, sketchbook front cover, Concept document cover, etc etc. Rushed it a bit towards the end, dunno if you notice, but i have the cold and need to go to bed :( Aaaaand can't really afford to spend too much time on things like this anymore, as sad as that is ^^
Well, be amazed.

Mwuahaha ^^ Cute, eh? Bug is favourite i think /drools
Saturday, May 1, 2010
just been informed that Adams god is absent from the concept document, I shall resolve this, Whoopsee
Mysterious Nathan Email
This was all contained in an email from Nathan, the flash file he sent has been uploaded to google docs for anyone who wants it.
This is pretty much everything need to know about the games quirks.
This is pretty much everything need to know about the games quirks.
Things to Note
Identifiers for MovieClips:
Blue Enemy on Ground: Walk1
This one dies in 1 hit so use it for the weaker enemy
Red Enemy on Ground: Red1
Dies in 2 hits. Tougher enemy
Flying Enemies moving right to left: Mon1-3
Flying Enemies moving left to right: Mon4-6
All of these are currently set to Die in a hit so just select one coming from each side to be the tougher enemy and the script can be edited later
Green Rectangle in the middle: PC
This is the character. Inside this MovieClip is the script that determines how many kills it takes WIN and how many hits it takes to DIE so if you want to alter that this is where you do it. Make sure to set the total one higher that you want (e.g. Want to win with 20 set it for 21).
Thin Rectangle representing the weapon: Bow
DO NOT replace this with another MovieClip unless your sure you know how to do it.
Leave it to last.
To replace the background use the Layer labelled “Hill”
How to Win the Game: After you've shot enough enemies you see a scene with “Grab the Lasso to Win.” Hit Space Bar when instructs to grab Win.
Those blue spots and green squares on the stage are hitTests. They can be hidden but leave them visible for now.
I found a bug I didn't notice before but I still haven't fixed it. It's to do with Red1 Spawning. You'll notice it when it happens.
Currently no ground Enemies come in from the Left. Don't worry about that just put then on the side that's there and I'll take care of that after. It's just a matter of replacing some identifiers and altering some already written scripted but it's easier once one sides done.
If there's any MovieClips you need me to put in, send them to me as FLA files in an email along with the game if it's been altered (also sound effects).
If there's anything else you want changed about the game then list them and send it in an email.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Game 2
Yeah, so Nathan is being a tool. Until he gives us code, I have another thing done. Didn't take as long as the other one because I totally stole the code from a tutorial and sped it up slightly and made the arrows fit Bill's songs slightly better.
It's not gonna be perfect, because I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but for the moment it'll do.
Make sure you click the flash before you use the buttons or else it won't work properly.
Rachie's working =D
Hmm taking a break from flash so thought i would make a blog post - haven't done one in a while and Greg seems to be taking over position of Most Frequent Poster so I can't have that!
Been given total new inspiration to do work for this module since Greggles fixed us up some code for our third game, apart from little sketches and stuff, started on an animation for the Trickster God kicking Ikki and making the game harder.
I'll post the finished edit under here, but for now here's my usual awesome sketchy style template :D
Monday, April 26, 2010
Trying to save the game
Edit2:The new version is now easier so all you people with girly hands can complete it. I'm clearly some sort of freak of nature when it comes to pressing 'a'.
Edit:Updated version at the bottom.
I've done a tiny bit of C++ before, but I'm not very good at all, and I've never used AS 3.0, which is what I'm sure Nathan has the 1st game coded in. So this simple exercise took about 4-5 hours of looking through tutorials and crying. But I have the basis of a game developing.
This would be for our 3rd game, the war cry game where you have to press a button/s rapidly in order to get the the God to come outta the sky and kick some ass, so what I have is a timer that runs down to zero. (Even though it counts down from 60, it only takes 20 seconds, I'm very lazy and couldn't be bothered changing it to 20.)
I also have it so that if you press "a" on the keyboard the bar at the bottom fills up, at the moment I have it on a relatively easy setting so that you guys can test it and see that it works. The idea behind it is pretty simple, fill the bar up before the time runs out. The screen will then switch to a Win/Lose depending on the outcome. If you want to try it again, just hit refresh.
I know it's far from perfect, and there is still a hell of a lot to do, but I'm more than willing to work through other stuff and try and get some sort of shell of a game running, I may need help with some of my animations though, as this takes an insane amount of time because I'm constantly looking for tutorials.
Anyway, enjoy.
old version
new version
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The dancing game
I'm not looking forward to animating this bad boy. But here is the band, and how they will transform through-out the 4 stages in the background. I tried to match it up with what instruments are used in each part, the only extra bit needed is that there is trumpets in the last song, but I might make them come out of the clouds like the god hand. I was thinking that in between each song the god can point or click his fingers and the band will magically change as it goes on. I've got to get a crowd in the background, although they will prob be silhouettes, to save time and i'll get them cheering in between each "dance"
Anyone, tried to keep them in a smiler style to Rach's, but tried to make them more simple so they don't draw too much attention away from the main character. Hope the designs are ok.

Monday, April 19, 2010
Paperwork FTW
diving into paperwork today, happy happy joy joy happy happy joy, will stick it on the docs when its done, just giving ye a heads up so you know im doing work ^_^
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Me again, i guess
Backtracking because of recent discoveries made on finding my contract - said i had a bear to design and animate, so made tiny thingie to show that we were considering using a bear, but i'll explain we excused it [for various reasons]
Just filling up my contract stuff hehe.
It's nothing exciting, far from it, but here's the link.
here here
Backtracking because of recent discoveries made on finding my contract - said i had a bear to design and animate, so made tiny thingie to show that we were considering using a bear, but i'll explain we excused it [for various reasons]
Just filling up my contract stuff hehe.
It's nothing exciting, far from it, but here's the link.
here here
Thursday, April 8, 2010

ps. By the way guys, really sorry but i can't make Sunday, but if you can meet up, please do!!! I'll catch up i'm sure, we need to pester Nathan < / 3
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sorry bout missing the meeting
Yeah guys, sorry I didn't make the meeting today, my phone (which has my alarm to get me up before 2pm) buggered it's self last night while I slept. I can't phone/text atm so if someone text me (probs Steve) to tell me to get the hell to the meeting I wasn't being rude, I haven't got the text. So yeah, sorry about that, hope I didn't miss too much and if we are meeting up in the next few weeks (which we should) contact me on this or facebook til I get my phone sorted.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Motivational Speech Extraordinaire
After hearing the recent news of Nathans current disappearance without providing code for all, so I have decided to try and help cheer you up with a mega cool motivational speech so here goes....
Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of April, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation, but none of this concerns the group but stay with me here. We are fighting for our right to live and make awesome games. To exist as epic developers. And should we win the day, the end of term will no longer be known as the beginning of the summer holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: GFKG7 will not go quietly into the night! GFKG7 will not vanish without a fight! GFKG7 is going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Awesomeness Day!
Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of April, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation, but none of this concerns the group but stay with me here. We are fighting for our right to live and make awesome games. To exist as epic developers. And should we win the day, the end of term will no longer be known as the beginning of the summer holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: GFKG7 will not go quietly into the night! GFKG7 will not vanish without a fight! GFKG7 is going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Awesomeness Day!
Was gonna have a bash at the warshout character but thought i'd try figure out what i'm doing first. Looked up Rachels drawing and went with that style. I figure as it plays the body will get bigger and bigger along with the eyes and mouth. Also thought it might be fun if after a while the skin gos from black to green :)

I'm also not 100% on how to structure it for the coding. I'd thought perhaps a MC(MovieClip)of him breathing in, then another MC where he's a bit bigger, then another where he turns green and bigger, then finally the shouting one? I assume there'd be a sort of lung bar that fills up (doesn't have to a visible bar)that triggers the bigger animations but if he's kicked it drops to a previous one?
We need a programmer damn it!

I'm also not 100% on how to structure it for the coding. I'd thought perhaps a MC(MovieClip)of him breathing in, then another MC where he's a bit bigger, then another where he turns green and bigger, then finally the shouting one? I assume there'd be a sort of lung bar that fills up (doesn't have to a visible bar)that triggers the bigger animations but if he's kicked it drops to a previous one?
We need a programmer damn it!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Finished the painting of the Harvest Goddess intended to serve as the menu image, worked into it to try and bridge the gap between the styles of Gregs' and the newly revealed of Adam's. I think this was quite successful, and therefore instead of asking Adam to rework his image, he can work on other things instead! :) Saving time etc etc, when we kind of only have a month left. Posting the backgrounded image here but Greg has not to worry because it is also saved as a png (with an invisible background) which i can give to him whenever.
Mmmh, well enjoy :) I think she's pretty.

Research from the front line
Even when im chillaxing I still have time to think of you all, especially you Greg ;) ive put some pics up of facebook, id put them up here but the net is so slow here that id be better off posting them because they wud get to you all faster than this blasted google uploader.
Laters <3
Laters <3
P.S. I smell.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Bill's Music
If he were a cow, it would be called Moosic.
His four songs are now in Google docs in a separate folder for music (along with the theme song for the group). I tried to link it so you could play it in here, but I'm not that good with computers, so you'll just have to do it manually.
Also, this is what I was meant to link last time, but uploaded the wrong damn link.
It's jumpy as hell in the browser, but fine on my computer, I think it could be that I don't have a pre-loader in it, but I'm sure you'll get the idea. It's only a movie clip atm, just to show it off. Also I made up symbols for the Gods if people want to make there own, go ahead, but until then, these will do the job. Also the only button that does anything is the God of war one, they all glow though.
Hey kids, got my God of Plague pretty much fin, not totally happy with it though, I dunno, something about it is a bit meh.
Anyway by the looks of things I probably won't be making any huge changes to it, unless I have a lot of free time at the end that is. Feedback and such appreciate as usual.
Oh, and he isn't meant to have legs, I thought it looked scarier if he floated, but that could be seen as laziness.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bills Art Priority list
Art Priorities
Fire Dancing Game
Nats -Background - tribe area, possible huts :S
Nats -Animated Camp Fire
Nats -Spinning Disco Ball on Cloud
Nats -Sparkly Disco Floor
Steve -Animated DJ and Turntable to replace fire possibly :S
Greg -Crowd/Tribe + Bear Cheering in background
Rach -Character Wearing - Tribal Outfit
-Disco Suit + Massive Afro
? -Button Press Icons
Battle Cry Game
Nats/Steve-Character animation for taking in breath (30-40secs)
Nats/Steve-Character animation for screaming + being kicked in balls (30-40secs
Nats/Steve-Recovering from being kicked and continuing scream
Nats/Steve-Victory Dance/Fist Pump or something like that
Nats/Steve-Fainting at very end?
Greg-crowd watching in amazment
Greg-crowd cheering
Nats-podium/mount for character to stand on
?-button press icons
Rach-Mischief god flying around animation and kicking character animation
Ant Fighting Game
Nats-Background with Ant mound
Steve-Ground bugs with death animation
Steve-Flying ant with death animation
Nats/Steve -Fire animation? (I'm thinking firey death for the flying ones -Steve)
Steve-Arrow animation
Rach-Character shooting animation
Rach -Character swinging sword/bat animation
Rach-Mischief god flying around?
Rach-celebration dance/cheer at end
The button press icons I assume is what flashes up on the screen to tell ya to hit a button, obviously we can't make them till Nathan tells us what buttons we hit!
Fire Dancing Game
Nats -Background - tribe area, possible huts :S
Nats -Animated Camp Fire
Nats -Spinning Disco Ball on Cloud
Nats -Sparkly Disco Floor
Steve -Animated DJ and Turntable to replace fire possibly :S
Greg -Crowd/Tribe + Bear Cheering in background
Rach -Character Wearing - Tribal Outfit
-Disco Suit + Massive Afro
? -Button Press Icons
Battle Cry Game
Nats/Steve-Character animation for taking in breath (30-40secs)
Nats/Steve-Character animation for screaming + being kicked in balls (30-40secs
Nats/Steve-Recovering from being kicked and continuing scream
Nats/Steve-Victory Dance/Fist Pump or something like that
Nats/Steve-Fainting at very end?
Greg-crowd watching in amazment
Greg-crowd cheering
Nats-podium/mount for character to stand on
?-button press icons
Rach-Mischief god flying around animation and kicking character animation
Ant Fighting Game
Nats-Background with Ant mound
Steve-Ground bugs with death animation
Steve-Flying ant with death animation
Nats/Steve -Fire animation? (I'm thinking firey death for the flying ones -Steve)
Steve-Arrow animation
Rach-Character shooting animation
Rach -Character swinging sword/bat animation
Rach-Mischief god flying around?
Rach-celebration dance/cheer at end
The button press icons I assume is what flashes up on the screen to tell ya to hit a button, obviously we can't make them till Nathan tells us what buttons we hit!
Fire Dancing background
Different big bug idea
Monday, March 29, 2010
God of plague
Herro, God formally know as the God of famine (for some reason) final concept. Messed about with a few ideas, I like the look of this one though. Was going to put him in a very neutral pose, but the God of war was like that, so I thought frig it, I'll make this guy all crazy.

It's hard to tell on my insanly messy sketch but there will be a lot of cuts, boils, etc to make him look really diseased and mess up. He does look a wee bit like a ninja the way I've drawn the bandages around his head, but I'll fix it so it just looks sick at the end.
Feedback as always well appreciated, can still make major changes at this stage.
Friday, March 26, 2010

and this is the finished one which he left on my desktop and I need to clear space ;P -Steve-
Working on menu
Here is what I sort of plan to do with the gods when you select them. I did this instead of going to class, because class was far away.
Not totally finished with the sounds and I may add more animation later if I have the time, but just wanna get everything out of the way first.
Feedback and shiz appreciated.
Gonna start getting the rest of it put together soon, gonna need a .psd file from Rach with her God in it to start making that one and if Adam is still making his I'll need to get a copy of his god.
An updated version can be found here, so far it has basicly no coding in it, that's gonna be Adams job, apparently. But a lot of the graphics are finished and I can fix whatever I need to. I created a bunch of symbols for each God, Rach Adam, feel free to create your own and I'll replace what I have, otherwise this will do for the meantime.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The 4 different music tracks have just been completed for the fire dancing level ^^ gona write up their queues and stuffs now ^^
I'm Bill, I smell!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Fire Dancing Moosics
Just thought id let you all know im workin on the fire dancing music as we speak, not really sure how african tribe drum disco trance techno music is gona work but will see
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The flying bugs!
Here's a wee cobbled together animation with the flying bug. It's actually the smoothest one i've done so far and I'm a lot more happy with this than the other 2 bugs. I'm hoping to fix them up later this week.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Made a sort of backbone for the "Anthill Mischief" animation i had planned. Should look good once it's finished, check it out, if you want to see how it's going =3
Finished animation can be found here:
Art Animation List
There is now a document in the project folder for art/animations that need to be created in the google docs folder ^_^ It has a list of all things that I could think of that need to be created, feel free to add to it, or to confirm if any have been completed by writing beside it on the list ^_^
Thursday, March 4, 2010
More menu mcshiz
More of a big concept piece than anything, just wanna get feedback.
I decided because most of the game is meant to be humorous to include stupid references in it, but if people don't like the way it's going I can remove them. The final version will hopfully be a bit more polished than this one, although being cave paintings, I will try and keep them fairly simple. Flash keeps screwing up my colours, it's annoying.
Oh and the music is just a random sound track I found, again, it won't be in the final version I imagine, but I thought it would look better along with music.
Also clicking doesn't do anything, that was just there as an example.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Very rough menu
This is only a very very rough idea of how the menu will look, it will look a lot better when I spend more time on it. I was just trying to see if I could get parts of it to work.
I went for a rather realistic texture that I knocked up in photoshop, will probably go with a more cartoony one that I'll make in flash and the symbol was just something I made up as I go along, I'll actually make a good one. I do like the font, again I just made it up as I went, but I thought it looked ok. The god looks a bit weird the way it fades in and stuff, so I'll mess about and see what's the best way to bring the Gods into focus. Might make it a separate movie clip that you have to click to see, that means I can fade it back again rather than getting cut so suddenly when your mouse doesn't highlight it.
The God will look better, it looks so crap the way it is atm with no real background and stuff.
God of wor!!! lol
Yeah he is missing a hand and a lower torso, I really tried to draw it tonight, but I'm really drunk and apparently that affects my skills. So I thought I'd chuck it up anyway. Hoping some of the artists like rach or steve could take a look at it and tell me what they think, are all the proportions and shiz ok? Totally not confident it looks ok.
Anyway, this is the god of war so far. He is pretty pissed off looking. Maybe someone parked in his parking space? Who knows, but I wouldn't mess with him.
Edit: Re-uploaded him with a brand new hand and a few extras on him. Also adjusted the colours, think he was a tad too bright before.

Monday, March 1, 2010
Pick a bug! any bug!
Ok you guys already picked a flying bug design, so i've been drawing it a few times trying different colours and patterns. Which one do ya like? Can even try different colours and things if none appeal.
PS Not sure how clear it is but the bottom left one is actually a deep orange and blue but looks more red since I scanned it :/
PS Not sure how clear it is but the bottom left one is actually a deep orange and blue but looks more red since I scanned it :/

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Goddess of the Harvest

Friday, February 26, 2010
I hate you guys, so very very much
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sound Effect Recordings
Just thought I would let you guys and gals know I tried recording a few sound effects for the game last night, Dayna mentioned crushing M&M's which turned out pretty well, I tried a few different things for sounds that could be used for the ant things when they die. Just thought Id make a post about this amazing breakthrough in sound effect creation ^_^
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Did a little bit of animating today...
Playing with idle animations :D
He looks so badass.
Playing with idle animations :D
He looks so badass.
Working on God of war, haven't been doing much stuff this week as I've been doing work for the other modules, but got a clean line art done for the god of war and the start of the colouring, got loads more planned to do. Gonna be adding tribal symbols to the helmet and possibly as tattoos along with other stuff.
Would rather have shown this with more done, but the chances are I'm not getting much more done before the meeting tomorrow, so I figured I better post something.
Feedback appreciated :)

Trickster God
Basically all i had to work with was Bill's mask idea and my own train of thought, so if you hate it, you only have yourselves to blame!

Okay, give it to me
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Rachel's done more work!
Was thinking of giving her a staff to hold, too, will put that in concept 3.

Still open to comments hehe.
Menu Layout
I sketched out a layout for the menu from what I gathered from our last meeting, me and greg threw a few ideas around and here is what we seem to have come up with ^_^
Random animation test at a quick and dirty sketchy idle animation xD
To prove i'm doing something!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
God of war ideas
Didn't realise Rach was working on the Gods (and probably a hell of a lot better than me) so I messed about with a few god of war, concepts, dunno if they'll go anywhere, but just wanted to get some feedback on which design and if I should develop them, what suits the game the best and such. Done in my normal scribbly as hell style, but I'm able to draw neater when I add detail and colour. They are quite small in the preview so click it to actually see them better.
Pretty much ignore 4, I don't even know why I included it.
The other three styles are,
1-native american style god
2-viking style

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Was messing about the whole credits and stuff, though I might as well show that I have in fact been doing work. I didn't go into a huge amount of detail with the characters and stuff, but I hope I get the general idea across.
EDIT: The colours turned out a bit crappy so it looks quite dull, don't really know why that happened :S

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Looking At God Designs
See what you guys think, critical analysis required!
I have good reasoning for the mask/armor set btw, i really think it could work, when you see the rest of the designs. Anyway, i dunno, let me know...

Group Theme Song
Just a small town girl, livin in a lonely wooooorld
Hehe! Since when was this our theme song? Not that i'm complaining, i freaking love that song ^^ Down with Glee, though, Glee can burn.
Pitch today D= Fun times. Been drawing bears and gods so hopefully meet you guys at some point to show them? I'm going home on wednesday afternoon through to the weekend, so i guess next week? Or are we still meeting Wed, or what??
Monday, February 8, 2010
God of Mischief Idea
I found a sketch of a pretty cool concept of what the Demigod of Mischief could possibly look like, and with my advanced crayon colouring skills I decided to attack it with Photoshop, I like the idea of the horns looking like a jesters hat ^_^ and it also looks like a mask, so it would kind of fit with the style were going with something to think about maybe
Minutes for Meetings
Just so everyone knows, I just uploaded the minutes for our first four meetings if anyone wants to take a look at them, add to them, or correct anything I may have got wrong
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Don't worry guys, I'm here
Well after what seems like about an hour of trying to log on I am now part of this interweb group thingy.
I don't have anything to say, just the accomplishment of being able to finally get on is (I feel) worthy of note. Feel a bit like an idiot that logging onto a simple website was like trying to break out of Alcatraz.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Character Development
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Its On Like Donkey Kong!
Ok, Ive been documenting what we have discussed in our meetings, I have it all written out I just need to type it up, im going to type up a description of each level, with lists of any ideas of what we have come up with so far, ill print these lists out for our next meeting so we can discuss what ones we like and what we don't, so we can have an idea of what we wana keep and what to scrap.
Generally just doing some house keeping, trying to get some kind of system to keep us organised, but don't make any plans for Wednesday (10th), I want us to have another meeting, because it seems Wednesday is the only day where everyone can turn up. Ill try and book a room in the library or above white space so we can have a room and a big white board to play with ^_^
Generally just doing some house keeping, trying to get some kind of system to keep us organised, but don't make any plans for Wednesday (10th), I want us to have another meeting, because it seems Wednesday is the only day where everyone can turn up. Ill try and book a room in the library or above white space so we can have a room and a big white board to play with ^_^
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Okay, i r can haz updateage.
Our game so far is sounding good ^^ trying to compile mood boards as research into the style of the art, keeping in mind the time period, location, and instructions to 'keep it simple' (boooo =P)
Excuses excuses - not done as much work as i would have liked to have done, been spending a lot of time on 3D stuff, because that's the biotch for me =(
On other news, has anyone seen/heard of Connor? Is he actually still at university? -.- I demand a programmer as compensation.
Hmm, heading into uni now ^^
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Initial ideas
Well we've still to get everyone together in one place for brainstorming but so far one idea a few of us have liked is a fluffy to scary progression into madness type game. Wacky ideas such as scary teddies, bunnies, skelanimals and a camp vampire boss called Jon Bovi have been thrown around which inspired me to do some sketches (and apparently Rachel too) which are up on our google docs page.
I've made this blog in order for us to document our progress on our project, so if you have any ideas or have anything that you want to input please don't be afraid to post, it will make writing the report a lot easier once we have finished the game.
If you ever want to post something, even an image, you can send an email to "wmrountree.directpost@blogger.com" and it will instantly be added to the blog, no need to even log on ^_^
If you ever want to post something, even an image, you can send an email to "wmrountree.directpost@blogger.com" and it will instantly be added to the blog, no need to even log on ^_^
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