Art Priorities
Fire Dancing Game
Nats -Background - tribe area, possible huts :S
Nats -Animated Camp Fire
Nats -Spinning Disco Ball on Cloud
Nats -Sparkly Disco Floor
Steve -Animated DJ and Turntable to replace fire possibly :S
Greg -Crowd/Tribe + Bear Cheering in background
Rach -Character Wearing - Tribal Outfit
-Disco Suit + Massive Afro
? -Button Press Icons
Battle Cry Game
Nats/Steve-Character animation for taking in breath (30-40secs)
Nats/Steve-Character animation for screaming + being kicked in balls (30-40secs
Nats/Steve-Recovering from being kicked and continuing scream
Nats/Steve-Victory Dance/Fist Pump or something like that
Nats/Steve-Fainting at very end?
Greg-crowd watching in amazment
Greg-crowd cheering
Nats-podium/mount for character to stand on
?-button press icons
Rach-Mischief god flying around animation and kicking character animation
Ant Fighting Game
Nats-Background with Ant mound
Steve-Ground bugs with death animation
Steve-Flying ant with death animation
Nats/Steve -Fire animation? (I'm thinking firey death for the flying ones -Steve)
Steve-Arrow animation
Rach-Character shooting animation
Rach -Character swinging sword/bat animation
Rach-Mischief god flying around?
Rach-celebration dance/cheer at end
The button press icons I assume is what flashes up on the screen to tell ya to hit a button, obviously we can't make them till Nathan tells us what buttons we hit!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Fire Dancing background
Different big bug idea
Monday, March 29, 2010
God of plague
Herro, God formally know as the God of famine (for some reason) final concept. Messed about with a few ideas, I like the look of this one though. Was going to put him in a very neutral pose, but the God of war was like that, so I thought frig it, I'll make this guy all crazy.

It's hard to tell on my insanly messy sketch but there will be a lot of cuts, boils, etc to make him look really diseased and mess up. He does look a wee bit like a ninja the way I've drawn the bandages around his head, but I'll fix it so it just looks sick at the end.
Feedback as always well appreciated, can still make major changes at this stage.
Friday, March 26, 2010

and this is the finished one which he left on my desktop and I need to clear space ;P -Steve-
Working on menu
Here is what I sort of plan to do with the gods when you select them. I did this instead of going to class, because class was far away.
Not totally finished with the sounds and I may add more animation later if I have the time, but just wanna get everything out of the way first.
Feedback and shiz appreciated.
Gonna start getting the rest of it put together soon, gonna need a .psd file from Rach with her God in it to start making that one and if Adam is still making his I'll need to get a copy of his god.
An updated version can be found here, so far it has basicly no coding in it, that's gonna be Adams job, apparently. But a lot of the graphics are finished and I can fix whatever I need to. I created a bunch of symbols for each God, Rach Adam, feel free to create your own and I'll replace what I have, otherwise this will do for the meantime.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The 4 different music tracks have just been completed for the fire dancing level ^^ gona write up their queues and stuffs now ^^
I'm Bill, I smell!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Fire Dancing Moosics
Just thought id let you all know im workin on the fire dancing music as we speak, not really sure how african tribe drum disco trance techno music is gona work but will see
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The flying bugs!
Here's a wee cobbled together animation with the flying bug. It's actually the smoothest one i've done so far and I'm a lot more happy with this than the other 2 bugs. I'm hoping to fix them up later this week.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Made a sort of backbone for the "Anthill Mischief" animation i had planned. Should look good once it's finished, check it out, if you want to see how it's going =3
Finished animation can be found here:
Art Animation List
There is now a document in the project folder for art/animations that need to be created in the google docs folder ^_^ It has a list of all things that I could think of that need to be created, feel free to add to it, or to confirm if any have been completed by writing beside it on the list ^_^
Thursday, March 4, 2010
More menu mcshiz
More of a big concept piece than anything, just wanna get feedback.
I decided because most of the game is meant to be humorous to include stupid references in it, but if people don't like the way it's going I can remove them. The final version will hopfully be a bit more polished than this one, although being cave paintings, I will try and keep them fairly simple. Flash keeps screwing up my colours, it's annoying.
Oh and the music is just a random sound track I found, again, it won't be in the final version I imagine, but I thought it would look better along with music.
Also clicking doesn't do anything, that was just there as an example.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Very rough menu
This is only a very very rough idea of how the menu will look, it will look a lot better when I spend more time on it. I was just trying to see if I could get parts of it to work.
I went for a rather realistic texture that I knocked up in photoshop, will probably go with a more cartoony one that I'll make in flash and the symbol was just something I made up as I go along, I'll actually make a good one. I do like the font, again I just made it up as I went, but I thought it looked ok. The god looks a bit weird the way it fades in and stuff, so I'll mess about and see what's the best way to bring the Gods into focus. Might make it a separate movie clip that you have to click to see, that means I can fade it back again rather than getting cut so suddenly when your mouse doesn't highlight it.
The God will look better, it looks so crap the way it is atm with no real background and stuff.
God of wor!!! lol
Yeah he is missing a hand and a lower torso, I really tried to draw it tonight, but I'm really drunk and apparently that affects my skills. So I thought I'd chuck it up anyway. Hoping some of the artists like rach or steve could take a look at it and tell me what they think, are all the proportions and shiz ok? Totally not confident it looks ok.
Anyway, this is the god of war so far. He is pretty pissed off looking. Maybe someone parked in his parking space? Who knows, but I wouldn't mess with him.
Edit: Re-uploaded him with a brand new hand and a few extras on him. Also adjusted the colours, think he was a tad too bright before.

Monday, March 1, 2010
Pick a bug! any bug!
Ok you guys already picked a flying bug design, so i've been drawing it a few times trying different colours and patterns. Which one do ya like? Can even try different colours and things if none appeal.
PS Not sure how clear it is but the bottom left one is actually a deep orange and blue but looks more red since I scanned it :/
PS Not sure how clear it is but the bottom left one is actually a deep orange and blue but looks more red since I scanned it :/

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